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Date: July 11, 2022, 5:30 to 7:00 pm IST/ 8:00 to 9:30 am ET

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The webinar is a joint Lancet Citizens’ Commission on Reimagining India’s Health System event with the Population Foundation of India (PFI) and is being held to mark World Population Day. The webinar will focus on the investment and efforts needed to advance women’s access to sexual and reproductive health services, especially in the post-pandemic context. The webinar provides a unique opportunity to learn from and interact directly with leaders who can help identify women’s reproductive health and family planning needs that need to be addressed on priority for achieving universal health coverage and suggest commitments to advance women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. As a Citizens’ Commission, we invite the public to participate in the discussion, provide input and engage with the panelists.



  • Dr. Niranjan Saggurti, Director, Population Council India
  • Ms. Andrea Wojnar, Country Representative, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • Dr. Rajani Ved, Director of Health, India office of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
  • Representative, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India



  • Ms. Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, Population Foundation of India (PFI) and Co-chair, Citizen’s Engagement Workstream of the Lancet Citizen’s Commission


The Lancet Citizens’ Commission on Reimagining India’s Health System is an ambitious, cross-sectoral endeavor that aims to lay out a citizens’ roadmap to achieving universal health coverage for the people of India. Our new webinar series is intended to serve as a platform for public health discourse in India, and a means for academics, practitioners and the public to engage on substantive and timely issues regarding universal health coverage in India.


Population Foundation of India is a fifty-year-old Indian non-profit organisation working towards the effective formulation and implementation of gender-sensitive health strategies and policies.