Steering Committee – Cabinet
The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute’s Cabinet provides guidance and advisement to the Institute and represents schools from across the university.
Steering Committee Cabinet

Homi Bhabha
Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of the Humanities, Department of English, FAS; Senior Advisor on the Humanities to the President and Provost
Jacqueline Bhabha
FXB Director of Research, Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of Public Health; the Jeremiah Smith Jr. Lecturer in Law at Harvard Law School; and an Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School
Martha Chen
Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School; Affiliated Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Sheila Jasanoff
Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Harvard Kennedy School
Asim Khwaja
Director, Center for International Development; Sumitomo-FASID Professor of International Finance and Development, Harvard Kennedy School
Jinah Kim
George P. Bickford Professor of Indian and South Asian Art, Harvard University
Jennifer Leaning
François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights, HSPH; Senior Fellow, Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights
Rahul Mehrotra
Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design; John T. Dunlop Professor in Housing and Urbanization
Venkatesh Murthy
Raymond Leo Erikson Life Sciences Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Vikram Patel
The Pershing Square Professor of Global Health, Harvard Medical School
Parimal G. Patil
Professor of Religion and Indian Philosophy, Committee on the Study of Religion, FAS, Chair of the Department of South Asian Studies