This conference is a response to rapidly expanding interests in the musical traditions of South Asia within the Society for Ethnomusicology and a recognition that South Asia has always been part of a larger historical network involving Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asia. As the richness of scholarship on the music of these regions deepens, it becomes increasingly useful to keep abreast of new scholarship in the larger geographical area. This conference invites scholars working on the performing arts of all of these regions to come together for a weekend of dialogue and groundwork for future collaborations. We envision this conference to be a catalyst for future meetings and perhaps the foundation for a new independent scholarly organization. Rather than reinforcing our ties to particular geographic areas, we hope to broaden our knowledge and interests, attract scholars who may otherwise feel excluded, and encourage a dialogue that builds on shared histories across South, Central and West Asia.
Cosponsored with the Department of Music, the Department of South Asian Studies, the Committee on Inner Asian and Altaic Studies, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, the Islam in Asia Series, the Asia Center, and the Provostial Fund for Arts and Humanities.
Click here for the full schedule.