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Join us for a MIT-Brown-Harvard joint seminar on Democracy’s Reach: Local Voting Patterns in Lok Sabha Elections by Pradeep Chhibber and Francesca Jensenius.

Pradeep Chhibber is the Professor and Indo-American Community Chair in India Studies at University of California, Berkely. Chhibber studies the politics of India, political parties and party systems. His recent research is on the influence of ideology on party system change, religion and politics, elections and parties, and the politics of development in India.  Ideology and Identity: The Changing Party System of India co-authored with Rahul Verma was published by Oxford University Press in 2018. The book lays out an ideological framework for understanding party system change in india since 1952. The book also explains the reasons behind the rise of the religious right dominated party system in contemporary India. Religious Practice and Democracy (with Sandeep ShastriCambridge University Press (2014) examines the relationship between everyday religious practice and political representation in contemporary India.   

This event is part the Seminar on South Asian Politics, co-hosted by Brown University, MIT, and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute at Harvard University