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Harvard for Nepal Contribute


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The Nepal Research and Reconstruction Fund will provide support for projects in Nepal that are developed in partnership with local organizations, with a focus on Nepal’s long-term reconstruction. The SAI-supported projects will be conducted over the next 2 years.

Areas of focus will be: Public health; Water and sanitation; Reconstruction and conservation of heritage sites

How to donate:

  1. By phone: Call 617-495-1750 or 1- 800-VERITAS (837-4827) and specify that the gift should come to the South Asia Institute [“Nepal Research and Reconstruction Fund”].
  2. Online: Go to . Select “Harvard University.” From the drop down list of schools/affiliates, select “Other,” and then list “South Asia Institute Nepal Research and Reconstruction Fund” in the Comments/Other Designation box.
  3. Checks: Can be made out to President and Fellows of Harvard College/Harvard for Nepal and sent to:
Harvard South Asia Institute
1730 Cambridge Street, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA