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Amra Khan is an interdisciplinary visual artist based in Lahore, Pakistan. She graduated with a distinction in painting in 2008 and has a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from the National College of Arts, Lahore, with a semester at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France, from 2010-2011. She is skilled in oils, acrylics, and miniature painting, and often expresses herself through hair sculptures and video installations. Her practice explores the bipolarity of the binary, the dichotomies of gender, sexuality, intimacy, social conditioning, and the impact of religion. More specifically, she investigates the queer and alpha male archetype in the Pakistani Muslim community.

Amra Khan has had three solo shows: “Gender Nectar” at Galerie Sauvaget, Paris, 2011, “Ecce Homo – Behold The Man” at Sanat Initiative, Karachi, 2015, and “Kacha Gosht” at OArt Space, Lahore, 2018. She has exhibited nationally and internationally in a significant number of shows in London, Paris, Basel, Norway, and Pakistan, including at the Lahore Biennale 01 and 02 and the ARTROOMS – International Contemporary Art Fair 2018 and 2019 in London. She was co-curator of “Stet”, exhibited under the umbrella of the Lahore Literary Festival 2014, and has been a part of other curatorial projects. Her work has been featured in multiple publications and was featured in the short film “Between the Lions” by Lewis Martin for the Cannes Film Festival 2011. Her work is a part of the Luciano Benetton ‘Imago Mundi’ Collection along with other prominent collections.

Currently, she is an assistant professor at Kinnaird College for Women, Department of Fine Arts, in Lahore, Pakistan.

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