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Dr. Shashank Shah is an author and eminent researcher in the area of Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholder Management Strategy and has contributed immensely to the field through original ideas and pioneering analyses. He completed his graduate studies in Business Management, and doctoral and post-doctoral research in Corporate Stakeholders Management at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning; and his under-graduate studies in Commerce from University of Mumbai, India. He received the Association of Indian Management Scholars International Outstanding Doctoral Management Student Award 2010 at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, in 2011; and the H.R. College Golden Alumnus Award 2011 for his research achievements from the Sheriff of Mumbai. He was awarded the President of India Gold Medal and the Governor’s Gold Medal for standing first in the MBA and M.Phil. Programs in 2004 and 2006 respectively. He was the recipient of the ‘Mr. Mumbai University’ Award being adjudged as one of the top three students from over 300 colleges of the University at the 33rd Annual Youth Festival in 2001. The Bruhad Mumbai Gujarat Samaj conferred on him the Saraswati Award and Gold Medal for gaining the top rank in the Mumbai Merit List from among 60,000 students at the Class XII examinations.

He has published over 70 research-based papers, case studies and technical notes in peer-reviewed national and international journals in the areas of Stakeholders Management, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Integral Education, and Humanized Healthcare. These have been published by eminent publishers including Harvard Business School, Sage, Emerald, and Macmillan Publications. He has also co-authored four books and two monographs in these areas. His magnum opus ‘Soulful Corporations: A Values-Based Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility’ was published by Springer in 2013 as part of the India Studies on Business and Economics Series. He has presented research papers at international conferences at Harvard University, USA, and INSEAD, France; and has been invited to present his work at institutions in Italy, Brazil, Turkey, Malaysia, Japan, and India. He has taught graduate courses on Marketing, Total Quality Management, and Indian Ethos and Values; and graduate and doctoral courses on Research Methods in Social Sciences.

In 2011, Dr. Shah was Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He has been an Invited Resource Faculty at Executive Development Programs in CSR organized by the Harvard University South Asia Institute, World Bank and the Govt. of India; and by the School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. He is Fellow, European Institute of Spirituality in Economics and Society (SPES); International Advisory and Editorial Board Member, Journal of Values-Based Leadership, Valparaiso University, USA; and Reviewer, Journal of Human Values (Sage Publications) and Journal of Management, Religion and Spirituality (Taylor and Francis Publications).

As Editor of the University’s Publications Division, he has compiled and edited over 25 books on Indian Ethos and Values. On over 50 occasions in India and USA, he has addressed large gatherings of up to 10,000 people on themes relating to Indian Culture and Spirituality, Unity of Religions, Leadership, Social Service, Values-Based Education and Management. During his doctoral and postdoctoral work, he interviewed over 175 top executives, heads of companies, industry captains, academics, subject experts and policy makers, and built a veritable knowledge base of insights in the field of Stakeholders Management and Corporate Responsibility of a collective experience of 3,500 human years. He is currently working on two books on: Stakeholders Management Strategy in Indian Corporations; and Corporate Responsibility at the Tata Group of Companies, to be published by one among the big four international publishers.

Currently, Dr. Shashank Shah has a joint appointment as Jamsetji Tata Trust Grantee and Visiting Scholar in Corporate Responsibility at Harvard Business School; and Project Director and Post-Doctoral Fellow at SAI.