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Project Prakash


The team has published several papers on their work and findings in leading science and public health journals.

The Newly Sighted Fail to Match Seen with Felt in Nature Neuroscience, Volume 14, by Richard Held, Yuri Ostrovsky, Beatrice de Gelder, Tapan Gandhi, Suma Ganesh, Umang Mathur, and Pawan Sinha

NeuroScience and Service in Neuron, Volume 92, Issue 3, by Pawan Sinha

Sight Restoration in F1000 Med Reports, by Pawan Sinha and Richard Held

Assessing the Impact of a Program for Late Surgical Intervention in Early Blind Children in Public Health, Volume 146, by A. Kalia, T. Gandhi, G. Chatterjee, P. Swami, H. Dhillon, S. Bi, N. Chauhan, S.D. Gupta, P. Sharma, S. Sood, S. Ganesh, U. Mathur, P. Sinha

Immediate susceptibility to visual illusions after sight onset in Current Biology, by Gandhi, T., Kalia, A., Ganesh, S., Sinha, P.

Results of Late Surgical Intervention in Children with Early-onset Bilateral Cataracts in British Journal of Ophthalmology, by Ganesh, S., Arora, P., Sethi, S., Gandhi, T., Kalia, A., Chatterjee, G. and Sinha, P.

Development of Pattern Vision Following Early and Extended Blindness in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Kalia, A., Lesmes, L., Dorr, M., Gandhi, T., Chatterjee, G., Ganesh, S., Bex, P., and Sinha, P.

Improvement in Spatial Imagery Following Sight Onset in Psychological Science, by Gandhi, T., Ganesh, S., and Sinha, P.

Restoring Vision Through ‘Project Prakash’: The opportunities for merging science and service in PLOS Biology, by Sinha, P., Chatterjee, G., Gandhi, T., and Kalia, A.