Department of Landscape Architecture Brown Bag Lecture Series presents:
“City in Garden: Trees as Element of Urban Design”
Lecture by Rajnish Wattas, Former Principal, Chandigarh College of Architecture
Rajnish Wattas is the former principal of the Chandigarh College of Architecture and currently visiting professor at various institutions. An architectural critic and Chandigarh’s modern heritage expert he has focused on city’s landscape design considerably. He has authored a compendium of professional writings and hundreds of general essays, travelogues and features in leading journals, newspapers and anthologies. He is co-author of two books Trees of Chandigarh and Sukhna — Sublime Lake of Chandigarh and has recently co-edited an anthology titled: Le Corbusier Rediscovered: Chandigarh and beyond to be published by October 2017. On various expert groups, he was a team member entrusted with evolving the ‘Master Plan of Chandigarh – 2031’ and now a member of the ‘Chandigarh Heritage Committee’ that oversees all heritage issues of the city and implementation of the ‘Management Plan’ following the UNESCO Heritage status accorded to its Capitol Complex. He is also founder member of the ‘Chandigarh Tree Lovers’ that promotes awareness about Chandigarh landscape.
Co-sponsored by the Harvard South Asia Institute and the Harvard University Graduate School of Design