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The Lakshmi Mittal South Asia Institute (SAI), Harvard University, is officially opening its new India headquarters in New Delhi. Throughout 2018 and beyond, leading scholars from South Asia-related fields are delivering a series of free public lectures in Delhi.

On Friday, March 16, 2018, Professor Mark Elliott, Harvard’s Vice Provost of International Affairs and a world-renowned historian, will officiate the opening of the new office from 6-7 pm at the Imperial Hotel, Janpath, New Delhi. Also present will be Harvard historian and Indian Member of Parliament Professor Sugata Bose, SAI Executive Director Meena Hewett and SAI India Country Director, Dr. Sanjay Kumar.

On Thursday, April 5, 2018, Professor Tarun Khanna, SAI Faculty Director, will speak about the institute’s commitment to studying and researching all aspects of South Asia, alongside its productive partnerships with major Indian institutions in the arts, social entrepreneurship, and life sciences. 


More information about the speakers:

Professor Mark Elliott, Vice Provost of International Affairs; Mark Schwartz Professor of Chinese and Inner East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

At Harvard since 2003, Elliott is an authority on the last four centuries of Chinese history, in particular, the Qing period (1636-1911). His research encompasses the history of relations between China and its nomadic frontier, with special attention to questions of ethnicity and empire.

Professor Sugata BoseGardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs, Harvard University

Professor Tarun KhannaDirector, The Lakshmi Mittal South Asia Institute, Harvard University; Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School


Each event is free and open to the public with a reception to follow after each event.

RSVP Dr. Sanjay Kumar, SAI India Country Director;


SAI India Office Location:

The Imperial Hotel; Flr. 1

Janpath, N. Delhi


Full List of Events in March and April