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MIT-Harvard-IIT Initiative for Focused Learning

Resonance comprises of instructional programs conducted in India by exceptional young scientists identified through a rigorous search process undertaken by MIT and Harvard.

Beyond the obvious benefits of Resonance in providing targeted learning opportunities for students in India and teaching experience for young US scientists, there are several other positive outcomes as well. These include:

• Forging of new research links within and across the two countries.
• Identification of faculty candidates for Indian universities and research centers.
• Identification of doctoral candidates for American universities.
• Furtherance of research initiatives in Indian companies, and stronger academia-industry links.
• An interdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching in various areas of sciences.
• Novel teaching and internship experiences for undergraduate and graduate students who are selected as teaching assistants for Resonance programs.

Learn more about the Resonance programs here.




India Institute of Technology (IIT)

The vision of IIT is to contribute to India and the World through excellence in scientific and technical education and research; to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society; and remain a source of pride for all Indians.

Harvard South Asia Institute

The Harvard University South Asia Institute (SAI) engages faculty and students through interdisciplinary programs to advance and deepen the teaching and research on global issues relevant to South Asia.

MIT-India Program

The primary mission of the MIT-India Initiative is to foster collaboration between the faculty and students at MIT, and faculty and students at academic and research institutions in India. Among its specific goals are enabling the creation of long-term projects involving groups from both MIT and Indian institutions; and promoting inclusive growth, sustainable development, educational leadership, entrepreneurship, new models of governance, and advanced, results- focused research in India.