What can individuals do to address a defined problem?
Explore how entrepreneurship and innovation tackle complex problems.
Using the lens of health to explore entrepreneurial opportunities, Harvard Business School Professor Tarun Khanna, Director of SAI, will give a free public lecture and lead a discussion based on his HarvardX course Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies. Attendees will learn about prior attempts to address complex health problems, identify points of opportunity for smart entrepreneurial efforts, and propose their own solutions. Participants will see that both problems and solutions are multi-disciplinary in nature, and draw on a range of sectors and fields of study.
Professor Khanna’s presentation is part of Harvard University’s new educational initiative HarvardX for Allston, which brings HarvardX online courses to the Allston-Brighton and Greater Boston community by offering programs that integrate the latest in virtual education technologies with opportunities for in-person interactions and discussion.
Coinciding with his public lecture, Professor Khanna will launch a free online HarvardX course, “Entrepreneurship and Health Care in Emerging Economies” which he is co-teaching with Sue J. Goldie, HGHI’s founding faculty director and the director of the new Global Health Education and Learning Incubator at Harvard University. That course commences on Thursday, Oct. 30 that is open and available to all. In November and December, the Ed Portal will host in-person discussion groups led by a Harvard teaching fellow to discuss case studies from the course (dates to be announced).