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ARCHIVE Student Grant Reports

I can confidently say that this internship has brought me a long away, from my theoretical conception of environmental policy from Harvard courses, with a deeper understanding of the profession, practice, and substance of environmental law and policy.
Sabrina Ghouse

Social Studies & Environment, Harvard College 2015, Internship with United Nations Development Programme

My visit has allowed me to think more broadly about the relationship between private enterprise and urban planning and design in the context of developing countries.
Justin D. Stern

PhD Candidate, Architecture & Urban Planning, Graduate School of Design, Research: Between Industrialization and Urban Planning: Tata Steel and the Two Faces of Jamshedpur

What was originally meant to be a preliminary research trip, morphed into a rather substantial research, far exceeding my expectations.
Lydia Walker

PhD Candidate, Department of History, GSAS, National Separatist Movements in the Early 1960s in South Asia and Southern Africa

When my friends and coworkers asked me why I was so delighted to be in the city despite the monstrous heat, I’d say in absolute earnest that I have a big crush on Delhi: on its long afternoons working out some idea for a paper with friends over chai; on its lecture- and music- and addafilled evenings. I hope to return to Delhi after graduation for continued study and research.
Reina Gattuso

Literature and Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality, Harvard College 2015, Lokniti Program, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi

Working with my other lab members, I was able to learn about science and the culture of India simultaneously. In between performing behavioral tests and analyzing our data, we would chitchat about everything from the must-see attractions in India to the country’s education system.
Jacqueline Ma

Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Harvard College 2016, Harvard Bangalore Science Initiative, Bangalore

Spending a summer exploring the educational system in India was both sobering and enlightening. Nevertheless, every experience reinforced the importance of education.
Sara Melissa Theiss

Psychology, Harvard College 2015, Prasad Fellow, VidyaGyan Leadership Academy, Uttar Pradesh

Although the summer is indeed a very hot time in Delhi and not the most comfortable period of the year to reside there, this summer confirmed my belief that the city is a growing hub of intellectual activity and energy… An entire scholarly community from around the world descends upon Delhi during this time. I had the opportunity engage with and be part of this group, and I am extremely grateful.
Madhav Khosla

PhD Candidate, Department of Government, Centre for Policy Research, Delhi

While both of us have worked in India before, this was also the first time we had run our own survey. We became very aware of all of the things, small and large, that can go wrong when doing fieldwork. The grant from LM SAI gave us the opportunity to run a small pilot survey that gave us the experience we needed so that our future surveys are run more smoothly.
Heather Sarsons

PhD Candidate, Department of Economics, GSAS, Dowry Payments and Female Welfare in India