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To launch the official opening, The Lakshmi Mittal South Asia Institute (SAI), Harvard University, India Office will be hosting a series of events in March and April. A reception will follow each event. For the first event, feminist historian Uma Chakravarti and feminist publisher Urvashi Butalia will give a seminar on Partition.

Uma Chakravarti is a feminist historian who taught at Miranda House, University College for Women, Delhi from 1966 to 1998. She is the Delhi project director for the SAI Partition Project, “The Demographic and Humanitarian Consequences of the Partition.” Chakravarti writes on Buddhism, early Indian history, caste and feminism, and contemporary issues.

Urvashi Butalia is the author of “The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India,” which centers oral histories from subaltern communities and women who experienced the Partition. Butalia co-founded Kali for Women, India’s first exclusively feminist publishing house. Following the closure of Kali for Women, she founded Zubaan Books.


Reception to follow after each event.

RSVP Dr. Sanjay Kumar, SAI India Country Director;


Full List of Events in March and April