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Cosponsored Event

Over a year after Nepal’s earthquake, this conference brings together practitioners, policy-makers, academics, students, and experts in disaster response to examine the importance of risk mitigation, and to discuss the role of development partners, aid accountability and the role of the media in disaster response.

The overarching objectives of this symposium are to share lessons from Nepal’s efforts in disaster preparedness, mitigation, management and reconstruction; and second, to foster dialogue and create links between lessons from other South Asian countries and Nepal’s experience in disaster response. To build relationships between the panelists, Harvard faculty members, Harvard students, and members of the Nepali community in Boston, several sessions including networking lunch, reception and dinner will be organized in addition to the panel discussions. At the end of the symposium, a final report which synthesizes the main ideas and recommendations will be prepared and circulated with the explicit intention of contributing to the existing conversation on building disaster resilient systems in South Asia.

The symposium is Harvard’s first international conference focused on Nepal and is organized by the Office of the Dean of the Harvard. T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and by Harvard Chan Students for Nepal, a student group of Nepali students who have campaigned to ensure the public health community can learn from Nepal’s response to the earthquake.

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