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Women’s Advocacy at Shirkat Gah

Women’s Advocacy at Shirkat Gah

Mumbai, India


Shirkat Gah- Women’s Resource Center (SG) was formed in 1975 as a non-hierarchical women’s Collective to integrate consciousness raising with a development perspective, and to initiate projects translating advocacy into action. Shirkat Gah literally means a place of participation. It represented a departure from existing women’s organisations’ charity approach and focused on representation of women as rights holders, while highlighting their issues and realities. Shirkat Gah means, “place of participation”, and since inception it has empowered women by increasing their access to information, resources, skills and decision making.

Shirkat Gah’s vision is for fully empowered women in a just and vibrant, democratic and tolerant and environmentally sound society, where equity and opportunity are ensured for all, resources sustainably used, where peace prevails and where the state is responsive.

Over the last 35 years, Shirkat Gah has developed a strong niche in field based analytical research to inform programme planning and design, for monitoring implementation of government programmes, for in-depth analysis of issues of women’s empowerment and for generating evidence for advocacy and policy change.  In this process Shirkat Gah has brought positive change to policies, laws and practices. Shirkat Gah has ECOSOC status at the United Nations.

It is a resource centre, not a service-delivery organisation. It espouses an integrated approach to development and women’s rights by seeking to bridge the gap between the reality of women’s lives and national and international policy through research, networking, advocacy and lobbying, training and solidarity actions, dissemination of information and proactive information service through its Documentation Centre. Shirkat Gah works through awareness and capacity building on women’s rights, legal issues, reproductive health and environmental issues. In this area, Shirkat Gah provides guidance and advice on various research, planning and institutional matters to CBOs, NGOs and development agencies, as well as students and individual women

Interns should have completed at least 1 year of university and have a passion for working with children or young women. Prior experience working with children or young women is helpful, i.e., either as a sports coach, tutor, mentor, Big Brother / Big Sister, camp counselor.


Internship responsibilities will be determined by student interest and area of expertise.


Send Resume/CV and Cover Letter to Ali Raza Jillani, and Ahmed Raza Khan, Skype interviews will be conducted with qualified applicants.


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