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Photo Exhibit
On display Nov. 5, 2014 – Jan. 31, 2015.
1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
Coded Elegance, by Pablo Bartholomew, is a series of ethno-anthropological photographs of tribes and people of the hills and valleys of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Manipur, taken from 1989 to 2000.
On display December 7, 2014–January 29, 2015
1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
An exhibition of editorial cartoons and caricatures on India and the United States by Shreyas Navare, Fellow, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; Editorial Cartoonist, Hindustan Times; Author, The Politickle Pickle: Vol. 1 & 2.
November 5, 2014, Harvard University
SAI Arts Lecture and Opening Reception for ‘Coded Elegance’
Photographer Pablo Bartholomew, whose career spans over 40 years, introspects on his personal collection of historical photographs as well as works by other photographers from the pre and post-Independence era, rounding off by elaborating on contemporary practices. This visual walkthrough consists of photographic work that has marked and influenced him.
Chair: Dalia Linssen, Assistant Professor, RISD
Capturing South Asia: Interview with Pablo Bartholomew
November 4, 2014, Harvard University
SAI Arts Initiative Seminar
Pablo Bartholomew, Photojournalist
Discussant: Bridget Corbett Hanna, Post-Doc, Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University
Chair: Ajantha Subramanian, Professor, Social Anthropology Program, Harvard University
In December 1984, a gas leak at the Union Carbide Factory, now owned by Dow Chemicals, caused the death of thousands of inhabitants of Bhopal and incapacitated the living who have yet to be fully compensated. Photographer Pablo Bartholomew, then aged 29, who arrived at the scene recounts his experiences of what it was like covering the disaster and its aftermath.
Watch the seminar.
October 6 – October 14, 2014, Harvard University
A group show called South Asia Exchange:An exhibition exploring contemporary dialogue about South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, including social justice, pop culture, industry, the environment, food, music, and how they come into play with the idea of exchange.
Cosponsored with MITHAS and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts
September 19, 2014, Harvard University
Gender and Arts at SAI Seminar
Nandita Das, Actor, Director, and Advocate of Social Issues
Cara Moyer-Duncan, Assistant Professor, Africana Studies, Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies, Emerson College
Moderator: Mukti Khaire, Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Cosponsored by The Cultural Agents Initiative, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, and the Cultural and Humanitarian Agents seminar at the Mahindra Center for the Humanities.
Read more.