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Register for Session 3 of our “Post-Pandemic: Driving Inclusive Growth” Seminar Series

In a region containing over half of the world’s population and key global powers such as China and India, the pandemic has caused massive shifts in healthcare, economics, and education that affect billions. This series aims to catalyze research on what steps can be taken in the region to not only recover, but also chart a new course that ensures even the most vulnerable in society are included in the post-pandemic boom.

This event series, hosted by the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research (ABFER), Harvard University’s Center for International Development (CID), and Harvard University’s Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute (LMSAI), will focus on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by many Asian countries recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The third and final part in our “Post Pandemic: Driving Inclusive Growth in Asia” series will explore how the pandemic may have impacted social cohesion in the region. A socially cohesive community will counter exclusion and inequality and offer all of its members the opportunity for upward mobility. However, the devastating pandemic has depleted public and private resources and opportunities. This panel will examine how the pandemic has affected social cohesion in the region, and the hope for asocial and economic policies that support a stronger Asia moving forward.

Moderated by Danny Quah, National University of Singapore


Jean Yeung, National University of Singapore

Jonathan Ostry, International Monetary Fund

Mirai Chatterjee, Self-Employed Women’s Association