Inclusive innovation can transform how our societies conduct business, create new ideas, and tackle pressing social, technological and environmental challenges.
Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, President of the Global Research Alliance, a network of 60,000 scientists from five continents, and acknowledged by many as one of the fathers of inclusive innovation will discuss the ways in which inclusive innovation can impact our world.
Inclusive innovation is any innovation that leads to affordable access of quality goods and services for the excluded population, primarily at the base of the pyramid, on a long term sustainable basis with a significant outreach.
Dr. Mashelkar is a Fellow of Royal Society, NAS, NAE & AAAS. He served as Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) India, with 38 laboratories and over 20,000 employees for over 11 years. He also served as President of the Indian National Science Academy and President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK).
The seminar was chaired by Tarun Khanna, Director of SAI and Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School.
Watch the video from the event:
Inclusive Innovation: The Emerging Game Changer from The South Asia Initiative on Vimeo.