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The South Asia Without Borders symposium took place on April 25 & 26 at the Inn at Harvard. The event featured discussions on caste, gender, social entrepreneurship, and constitutionalism. Parimal Patil, Professor of Religion and Indian Philosophy, Chair of the Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University, and Lawrence Mcrea, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Classics, Cornell University led a mini lesson on Rasa, the theory of aestheticized emotion in classic Indian literature, and Prasannan Parthasarathi introduced his book How Europe Got Rich and Asia Did Not. The event concluded with a discussion by the Harvard faculty who were involved in the Kumbh Mela project, and Shri Jawed Usmani, Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Government-India.

Visit our Facebook Page for photos from the event, and here for reports and videos of the panels.