By Amy Kalia
The students had set the tone in the first two days. Contrary to my expectations, we were not dealing with a timid group who would soak in our words without question. We were not going to get away so easily. The students have used every opportunity to ask questions, make speculations, and offer critiques of what we present to them, often starting with the phrase, “Sir, I have a doubt…” The conversations are not limited to the classroom, but rather continue during tea breaks, walks back to the guesthouse, and over meals. These enthusiastic minds never hesitate to squeeze in one more query… “How is binocular vision processed in the brain?” “Why do people who have epileptic seizures not remember what happened during the seizure?” “I think this method of measuring acuity does not account for the distortions that arise when you measure acuity the other way.” I think I speak for the rest of the teaching staff when I say that we are thrilled by this unmeasured curiosity! This is how learning is supposed to happen!