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With the beginning of the school year around the corner, SAI highlights a selection of courses around the University that focus on South Asia. Explore more of Harvard’s course offerings through the Harvard Course Catalog and Harvard WorldWide.


A Clash of Civilizations? Hindus and Muslims in South Asia
Harvard Divinity School, Taught by Harpreet Singh

The objective of the course is to understand the rich and complex history of Hindu-Muslim interactions in one of most diverse regions in the world. Using literature, art, film and critical scholarship, we will study the ways in which religious identities have been negotiated and contested in the public sphere.

Gen Ed Course, jointly listed with Business School, School of Public Health, Kennedy School, Law School, and Graduate School of Education, Taught by Tarun Khanna (HBS), Sue Goldie (HSPS), Parimal Patil (FAS), Fernando Reimers (HGSE)

The primary objective of the course is to engage students with the modern day challenges affecting South Asia, and to examine a range of entrepreneurial attempts to solve these problems.

Harvard Kennedy SchoolTaught by Nick Burns
This course will focus on the future balance of power in the world and cooperation as well as competition among the Great Powers. We will study the rise of China, India and Brazil to global power in the decades ahead and assess whether these countries are prepared and willing to lead effectively.


Harvard School of Public Health, Taught by Claude Bruderlein

The Humanitarian Field Study Course will focus its attention in January 2013 on strategic planning and critical thinking methodologies in the context of the implementation of international humanitarian and human rights norms in South Asia.

Introduction to Burmese
Department of South Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and SciencesTaught by Charlie Carstens
There has been no better time to learn more about this fascinating country. The Department of South Asian Studies announces the opening of an Introductory Course in Burmese through the language tutorial. Please contact the instructor and/or attend the first meeting on Wednesday, September 4th at 4 pm if you are interested or have questions. More details here.

Harvard Law School, Taught by Vikramaditya Khanna
Through our readings and discussions we examine a number of legal issues with implications for Bollywood and with potential insights for economic development in India more generally. We also discuss Bollywood’s growth, its increasing collaborations with Hollywood, and its expanding global reach.


Modern India and South Asia
Gen Ed Course, Taught by Sugata Bose

This course provides the historical depth and the comparative context in which to understand contemporary South Asia through an historical inquiry into the making and multiple meanings of modernity.