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Photograph by Stu Rosner.

LMSAI Steering Committee member Professor Richard Cash, Senior Lecturer on Global Health at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, conducted the first clinical trials of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) for cholera patients in Bangladesh. His solution is now credited with saving tens of millions of lives worldwide. We share two new pieces on Prof. Cash’s pioneering work – an article from Harvard Magazine and an interview with LMSAI communications. 

Richard Cash on Solving Dehydration

“A solution that can’t be applied,” says Professor Cash, “is really no solution at all.” He shares more on his cholera dehydration life-saving solution in this Harvard Magazine article by Max J. Krupnik. The oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is a mix of salt, sugar, and water and helped patients return to their hydrated state as quickly as they had sickened.

Richard Cash in Conversation

The Mittal Institute spoke with Professor Cash about ORT and his initial journey to Bangladesh in this audio interview below.