Category : Faculty
HarvardX course: Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies
Beginning October 30, SAI’s Director, Tarun Khanna, HBS, SAI Director, with Sue Goldie, HSPH, will offer the first of a series of HarvardX courses on South Asia. This 12 week course is free and open to the public.
Harvard Bangalore Science Initiative: A Summer of Intellectual and Cultural Exchange in India
Art and social change
On Friday, Sept. 19, SAI held its inaugural event of the SAI Arts Initiative, with a seminar that explored the role of arts in social change. Cara Moyer-Duncan, Emerson College, and actress Nandita Das discussed the use of cinema in Africa and South Asia as a tool for social activism.
Fall Webinars: Disaster Management
Join the South Asia Institute for three interactive webinar events with Harvard University Fellows on Disaster Management and Emergency Response.
Using cell phones to change society
The potential of mobile technology to change society was examined in an Exploratory Seminar titled ‘Using Cellphones to Change Societies’ hosted by SAI and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study on September 4 and 5, 2014.
‘Contextual Intelligence’ by Tarun Khanna
Harvard Business Review, September 2014
Experimental course on Contemporary South Asia kicks off its fourth year
‘Contemporary South Asia: Entrepreneurial Solutions to Intractable Social and Economic Problems,’ taught by Tarun Khanna, Director of SAI and Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School is now entering its fourth year.
Preventing gender based violence
On August 26 and 27, leaders and academics from both the US and India gathered to explore how gender violence in South Asia can be prevented in a workshop hosted by SAI and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.
Exploring the potential of mobile technology
SAI Founder Sugata Bose wins seat in Bengal
Congratulations to SAI Founder and Former SAI Director Sugata Bose on being elected to the Jadavpur Lok Sabha seat in India’s national election. Bose won the seat in West Bengal as a Trinamool Congress candidate
Boston Water Consortium meets at Harvard
This multi-university Boston Water Consortium, includes Harvard, MIT, Tufts and BU, and organizes monthly roundtable discussions to identify a common language around understanding the various issues related to water. The group met on April 15 at a dinner hosted by SAI and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.