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Muslim Devotional Art in India

Muslim Devotional Art in India
Muslim Societies in South Asia Seminar Series: Muslim Devotional Art in India   Sept. 27, 2012 – Yousuf Saeed, independent scholar and filmmaker discussed his research in Muslim Devotional Art in India at a seminar co-sponsored by the South Asia Initiative and ...

“State, private property and the Supreme Court”

SAI Graduate Student and SJD candidate at Harvard Law School Associate Namita Wahi’s article on reinstatement of the right to property in the Indian Constitution was published in the magazine Frontline. In the article, Wahi argues that the right to property will...

Anand Patwardhan Film Screening: Jai Bhim Comrade

The Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard is screening Jai Bhim Comrade on Friday, October 5 beginning at 4 PM, which includes a discussion with filmmaker Anand Patwardhan. Click here to read more about the film and filmmaker.

Vikas Khanna’s Holy Kitchens Series

Vikas Khanna’s Holy Kitchens Series
True Business, a film about the Sikh culture of generosity and sharing through the tradition of their community kitchens asks us: what is the connection between food, faith and service? The Golden Temple of Amritsar, holiest shrine of the Sikh religion, serves a...

Call for Papers!

Conference on the Economic Aspects of Population Aging in China and India The Program on the Global Demography of Aging, the South Asia Initiative, the Asia Center, the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the Harvard China Fund, and the Weatherhead Center for International...

Mapping Toilets in Mumbai

Mapping Toilets in Mumbai
Urbanization and Global Health Seminar Series: Students and faculty from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Graduate School of Design (GSD) came together to address a common issue in slum dwelling—the scarcity and poor conditions of public toilets in urban...

Raj Kapoor and the Golden Age of Cinema Film Festival

SAI and the Harvard Film Archive are pleased to bring the Raj Kapoor Film Festival to Harvard from Friday, September 7 through Sunday, September 16, 2012. As a director, producer and star, Raj Kapoor (1924-88) became one of India’s leading filmmakers during the...

“In Sikhs’ View, There Is No Stranger”

Diana Eck Writes In Response to Tragedy in Wisconsin SAI steering committee member Diana Eck, Professor of Comparative Religion and Indian Studies, FAS and Member of the Faculty of Divinity, HDS published an editorial in the Dallas Morning News in response to the...

World Bank New Delhi Summer Series

Should the Right to Property Return? Namita Wahi, Harvard Law School and Center for Policy Research spoke on Friday, August 17 at the World Bank Office in New Delhi. She examined the checkered history of the constitutional property rights provision in order to provide...