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Category : Announcements

SAI Highlights of 2017

To say that 2017 was a pivotal year for the Lakshmi Mittal South Asia Institute (SAI), Harvard University, would be an understatement, thanks to a generous $25m naming gift from Lakshmi Mittal and his family.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

The Lakshmi Mittal South Asia Institute, Harvard University, wishes our friends and supporters a new year filled with peace and happiness! Our offices will be closed from December 22, 2017 to January 2, 2018, during which time there will be no newsletter.

Spotlight on SAI Communications Affiliate Hasit Shah

“I am a product of two very substantial migrations: my grandparents, young and barely literate, moved to East Africa in the early 20th century. My parents went to the UK, years later. These are not simple transitions. It has always been important for me to know as much as I can about these histories.”

Seed for Change Winner Gives Advice to Future Applicants

My recommendation for anyone applying to Seed for Change is to get feedback from as many people as possible, at all stages of the project. Even if someone is not an expert in your field, they may be able to offer you valuable insight. Each time Sakhi received feedback, we streamlined the project pitch. Feedback shapes your priorities and reveals what about your project makes sense and seems possible.

Addressing Biases Across Borders

“When I was 18, I traveled to Pakistan as part of a university debating team. We crossed the border on foot and reached Pakistan just in time to see the flag ceremony between the two countries. After growing up hearing about Pakistan as an unknown and dangerous place, it was the most incredible experience in my life to visit Pakistan, to meet the people and find out that we share so much in common.”

Ameya Kilara, MPA 2018

Partition and Today’s Issues of Forced Migration

We presented the latest in our major research project about the Partition of British India in 1947, at the Asia Society in New York on Nov 30, 2017. The video of the event, featuring leading faculty and researchers from Harvard and beyond, is now available.

Partition is a Wound for South Asia

“Now, with the resurgence of nationalism in many parts of the world, there is even more impetus to understand the origin, impact and complexity of nationalisms in South Asia, and their connection to migrations, which is a major human experience and a shaper of modernity.” -Nabil Khan, Visiting Scholar