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Category : Fellows

Farewell dinner for SAI’s Aman Fellow

On Friday, May 16, SAI friends and affiliates gathered in CGIS at a farewell dinner for SAI’s Aman Fellow Muhammad Zahir. With delicious Pakistani food, the dinner provided Zahir the opportunity to thank everyone who had helped him during the course of his fellowship....

Global literature in the classroom

On March 31, 2014, teachers from across the country came together to discuss how a story about slum-dwellers in Mumbai can be used in the classroom – except they did not even need to leave their computers. As part of the Global Literature Online Book Group for...

Q&A with Aman Fellow Dr. Muhammad Zahir

SAI is excited to welcome  Dr. Muhammad Zahir as the inaugural Aman Fellow for the spring semester. The fellowship is meant for advanced professional degree holders in areas related to Pakistan, particularly areas of science and development. While at Harvard, Dr....

Work and Religion in Modern South Asia with SAI’s Fellow

Shankar Ramaswami is halfway through his year as SAI’s South Asian Studies Postdoctoral Fellow. In addition to his involvement with SAI seminars and working on a book about his fieldwork in India, he is teaching a class this spring semester titled ‘South Asian Studies 196: Work and Religion in Modern South Asia.’ SAI caught up with Ramaswami to talk about his upcoming class, as well his experience as an SAI Fellow.