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Category : Community

Lost & Found: Toward a Living Heritage

“Historic preservation in India must evolve from its emphasis on the heritage monument as a static object to one more inclusively integrating local communities,” writes GSD students Jane Philbrick and Maria Letizia Garzoli, who explored Agra in the GSD studio ‘Extreme Urbanism III: Planning for Conservation.’

India’s Next Generation

Tarun Khanna, Director, SAI; Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School, appeared on NPR’s On Point on March 7  to discuss challenges facing India’s youth. Listen: [View the story “India’s Next Generation” on...

Q+A: The state of architecture in India

How has architecture in India evolved since independence? What is the state of the profession? Does architecture really matter? These are a few of the questions explored by Rahul Mehrotra, GSD, in his exhibit, ‘The State of Architecture,’ currently on display in Mumbai.