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Student voices: Cultural connection

“This study abroad program allowed me to connect more with how I identify myself,” writes Ajay Singh, Harvard College ’18, who spent his summer studying Punjabi at the American Institute of Indian Studies in Chandigarh with support from a SAI grant.

Emerging markets: Promise and peril

Several years ago, Tarun Khanna, SAI Director and Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor at the Harvard Business School, was exploring the streets of Jakarta, the hot and steamy capital of Indonesia. In need of an ice pack to keep some medication cool, he was baffled by the...

Contemporary Developing Countries begins

On Wednesday, August 31, the innovative SAI platform course SW47: Contemporary Developing Countries: Entrepreneurial Solutions to Intractable Problems began. Over 80 students, a combination of undergraduates and graduate students, “shopped” the...

SAI in Nepal

On July 29, Meena Hewett, Executive Director of SAI, visited the monthly meeting of the Harvard Alumni Group in Nepal to learn more how SAI can engage more with the country. She began by sharing the mission of SAI, saying that SAI has been working with Harvard...