Category : Nepal
Jul 9, 2019 | Announcements, Faculty, Nepal, News
Over 80% of Nepal’s population identifies as Hindu — a religion that has been practiced in the nation for hundreds of years. Click play above to listen to our latest podcast featuring Axel Michaels from Heidelberg University in a fascinating lecture on Hindu ritual in Nepal, entitled “The Meaning of the Meaninglessness of Rituals.”
Apr 24, 2019 | Announcements, Faculty, Nepal, News
Currently in its third year, the Mittal Institute’s Nepal Studies Program — led by Professor Michael Witzel, Wales Professor of Sanskrit at Harvard — continues its work engaging with scholars and practitioners in both Cambridge and Nepal. With each year of the program focusing on a different topic and led by a different faculty member, Witzel has journeyed into an exploration of Hinduism in Nepal and the important role of rituals, from the Vedic period to modern times.
Jul 13, 2018 | Arts Program, Nepal, News
Milan Rai is a Nepali artist whose media span painting, installation, and artistic intervention. Rai came to The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University, in Spring 2016 as part of the Visiting Artist Fellowship (VAF).
Jun 7, 2018 | Announcements, Nepal, News
2018 Mittal Institute Visiting Artist Kabi Raj Lama is a contemporary printmaker based in Kathmandu, who primarily works with lithography and the Japanese mokuhanga (woodcut) medium. His work examines themes of natural disasters, trauma, and healing through art. In this interview, we discuss how he first discovered printmaking, his personal encounters with natural disasters and what he has been up to at Harvard.
May 3, 2018 | Announcements, Nepal, News
Before the upcoming Buddhism in Nepal conference on Monday, May 7, The Mittal Institute spoke with professor and conference organizer Leonard van der Kuijp about the conference and the Nepal Studies Program.
Apr 5, 2018 | Announcements, Nepal, News
Building a country’s future is no easy task. Especially since young leaders often need to be coached and given proper opportunities. Even with this challenge, Pukar Malla has spent his career conducting research and developing initiatives to bring self-sustaining entrepreneurship to Nepal.
Apr 5, 2018 | Announcements, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, News
On Wednesday, April 4th, SAI hosted an opening reception for its Spring Art Exhibition, “Showcasing Research in South Asia Through Visual Arts.” It features 2D and 3D art and artifacts inspired by Harvard students who traveled to South Asia sponsored by Harvard SAI travel grants. The show was curated by Sheliza Jamal (Graduate School of Education) and Neeti Nayak (Graduate School of Design).
Mar 15, 2018 | Arts Program, Bangladesh, In Region, India, Nepal, Pakistan
SAI is pleased to announce our 2018 Visiting Artists, who will be at Harvard from mid-March to mid-May. During their time at Harvard, the artists will display their work on campus, meet with students, attend courses, and give public seminars.
Mar 8, 2018 | Announcements, Bangladesh, In Region, India, Myanmar, Nepal, News, Pakistan
Applications for the 2018 SAI Crossroads Program open on March 15! Last year, we welcomed 50 first-generation college students from South Asia, Africa and the Middle East to Dubai for a fully-funded career development opportunity with Harvard faculty.
Mar 8, 2018 | Announcements, Nepal, News
Sneha Shrestha (also known as IMAGINE in the art world) transcends easy categorization. As a calligraffiti artist, arts educator, curator and social entrepreneur, her day to day – much like her art – is never predictable. SAI recently spoke to Sneha about art, business, and life after graduation.
Mar 16, 2017 | Fellows, India, Nepal, News
SAI is pleased to announce our Visiting Artists for the Spring semester, who will be at Harvard from March 20 – 31. During their time at Harvard, the artists will display their work on campus, meet with students, attend courses, and give a public seminar. Check back...
Jan 31, 2017 | Alumni, Announcements, Bangladesh, Blog, Community, Faculty, Fellows, In Region, India, Nepal, News, Pakistan, South Asia in the News, Students
We offer our full support to Harvard students, faculty, staff and affiliates, regardless of their country of origin or religious background, alongside the Harvard International Office and the university’s Global Support Services.
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