Category : Faculty
Jan 31, 2017 | Alumni, Announcements, Bangladesh, Blog, Community, Faculty, Fellows, In Region, India, Nepal, News, Pakistan, South Asia in the News, Students
We offer our full support to Harvard students, faculty, staff and affiliates, regardless of their country of origin or religious background, alongside the Harvard International Office and the university’s Global Support Services.
Jan 30, 2017 | Community, Faculty, Pakistan
This was published in Pakistan Today. The Lahore Biennale Foundation (LBF) in collaboration with the LUMS School of Education (LUMS SOE) and Harvard South Asia Institute (Harvard SAI) organized an exclusive music and poetry evening on Jan. 17. Renowned musician Ali...
Jan 26, 2017 | Community, Faculty, India
On January 12, 2017, SAI hosted a roundtable discussion in Delhi to bring together leaders in the field of higher education in India. The event provided a rare opportunity for the leaders to come together and discuss what is at stake for educational institutions, and...
Jan 25, 2017 | Faculty, News, Pakistan
This article was published in Harvard Magazine. It highlights the work of SAI Steering Committee Member Asim Khwaja. By Marina N. Bolotnikova AROUND THE WORLD, tax receipts in low- and middle-income countries are much lower than they ought to be. Poor recordkeeping...
Jan 18, 2017 | Community, Faculty, In Region, News, Pakistan
This article was originally published by about a Jan. 13 SAI event cosponsored with Habib University. By Haneen Rafi KARACHI: In an attempt to deconstruct negative stereotypes about Islam that are rampant in popular discourse, there is an urgent need to...
Jan 12, 2017 | Community, Faculty, News, Students
Harvard will offer many courses in the upcoming semester with content related to South Asia, covering topics such as Himalayan art, Asian diasporas, capitalism and cosmology, Ismaili history and culture, and much more.
Jan 9, 2017 | Faculty, News, South Asia in the News
A recent paper co-authored by SAI Steering Committee Member Jennifer Leaning explores the Myanmar government’s poor treatment of the group and suggest steps that can be taken to address the health and human rights crisis.
Jan 9, 2017 | Faculty, Nepal
This article, featuring SAI Steering Committee member Jennifer Leaning, was originally published in Harvard Medicine Magazine. By Elizabeth Dougherty When a calamity strikes and tens of thousands of people need help, the first impulse is to cry “All hands on deck!”...
Jan 5, 2017 | Arts Program, Faculty, In Region, News
Jinah Kim, SAI faculty grant recipient, recently visited an exhibition in Beijing featuring Indian art. “The exhibition reminds us of the age old connections between the two countries, notably activated and solidified through the transmission of Buddhism.”
Jan 3, 2017 | Faculty, India, News
On Dec. 22, SAI hosted a workshop in New Delhi in collaboration with Tata Trusts on women’s rights, with Dr. Ela Bhatt, Founder of SEWA, delivering the keynote address.
Dec 14, 2016 | Community, Faculty, News, South Asia in the News
On Dec. 5, Harvard’s Asia related centers hosted an event in which experts discussed what’s next for Asia in a Trump administration. It is the first in a series of public talks at Harvard on U.S.-Asia relations during Trump’s presidency.
Dec 12, 2016 | Bangladesh, Faculty
A recent working paper by Fauzia Ahmed, SAI Research Affiliate, explores the framework of gender, governance, and labor, at all levels of the global value chain: workers; factory owners; buyers; and consumers.
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