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Category : Faculty

The state of higher education in India

On January 12, 2017, SAI hosted a roundtable discussion in Delhi to bring together leaders in the field of higher education in India. The event provided a rare opportunity for the leaders to come together and discuss what is at stake for educational institutions, and...

Tax Collection and Civil Society

This article was published in Harvard Magazine. It highlights the work of SAI Steering Committee Member Asim Khwaja. By Marina N. Bolotnikova AROUND THE WORLD, tax receipts in low- and middle-income countries are much lower than they ought to be. Poor recordkeeping...

In Short Supply: Post-disaster medical care

This article, featuring SAI Steering Committee member Jennifer Leaning, was originally published in Harvard Medicine Magazine. By Elizabeth Dougherty When a calamity strikes and tens of thousands of people need help, the first impulse is to cry “All hands on deck!”...