Category : Students
Oct 15, 2015 | Community, News, Students
SAI is excited to welcome three new students to serve as student coordinators for the 2015-2016 academic year. Interns play a vital role in SAI’s operations, including helping with SAI’s Grant Program, research projects, digital outreach efforts, and organizing SAI...
Oct 14, 2015 | Community, Faculty, Fellows, In Region, India, Nepal, News, Pakistan, Students
Big data has huge potential – it can help track diseases, make government more efficient, or allow businesses to better understand their customers. In a SAI webinar titled ‘Who owns Big Data?” on October 13, Malavika Jayaram, Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center...
Oct 8, 2015 | Faculty, In Region, India, News, Students
On Sept. 21, students from SAI’s summer program on mobile technology presented their final projects on campus, which focused on using cell phones to improve education and public health in India.
Oct 7, 2015 | Community, Faculty, Fellows, News, Students
Please join us on Friday, October 23 as we honor John Briscoe’s enduring legacy with a panel discussion on water, sanitation, and poverty; natural resources and environment; and population and development. Program 3 pm – Presentation on John...
Oct 2, 2015 | Blog, Community, Faculty, News, South Asia in the News, Students
On October 2, musicians Salim and Sulaiman Merchant visited Harvard to reflect on their musical careers and some of their widely acclaimed compositions inspired by Islam’s rich tradition of spirituality and artistic expression.
Sep 29, 2015 | Bangladesh, India, Nepal, News, Pakistan, Students
SAI offers research, internship, and language study grants to Harvard graduate students and Harvard College undergraduate students for the winter session.
Sep 29, 2015 | Community, News, Students
The Fall Mela 2015, a one of its kind community initiative planned by the Harvard India Student group, was held at Harvard’s Science Center Plaza on September 20, and was cosponsored by SA. The event, attended by over 300 students, helped spread awareness about...
Sep 15, 2015 | Community, Faculty, Fellows, News, Students
The events will feature screenings and panel discussions.
Sep 14, 2015 | Community, Graduate Student Associates, News, Students
Every year, SAI supports Graduate Student Associates from across the different schools at Harvard whose research focuses on South Asia.
Sep 10, 2015 | Alumni, Community, Faculty, Fellows, India, News, South Asia in the News, Students
The cornerstone of the project is a unique interactive visual analytic tool that provides critical disease surveillance data to health officials in real time
Sep 10, 2015 | Alumni, Bangladesh, Community, Faculty, In Region, News, Students
On September 3, TraumaLink co-founders Jon Moussally and Ryan Fu, both graduates of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, gave a lunchtime lecture at Harvard on their work in Bangladesh. They discussed how they have been able to develop the first pre-hospital...
Sep 8, 2015 | Alumni, Bangladesh, Community, Faculty, Fellows, In Region, India, Nepal, News, Pakistan, Students
The first webinar, on September 15, will focus on using cell phones to study behavior.
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