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This year was marked by change: on a global scale, the world is learning to mitigate the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; on a University scale, the Mittal Institute bid a fond farewell to devoted staff, and welcomed new leadership (read more about our new Executive Director Hitesh Hathi). Our operations shifted to both virtual and in-person formats, and we continued hosting events, offering funding opportunities, and providing programming for students and faculty. This year also marked the inauguration of our Delhi office, further deepening our in-country footprint.


As we reflect on all that this year taught us, we remain steadfast in our commitment to strengthen the scholarship and interest in South Asia. We are grateful for your continued collaboration and interest, and we look forward to building on that engagement in 2022.


We invite you to click on the images below for some of the Mittal Institute’s 2021 highlights at Harvard and in South Asia.

2021 Highlights

At Harvard

Hitesh Hathi Appointed New Mittal Institute Executive Director

VISITING ARTIST FELLOWS Arrive: Harvard, through their eyes

Kushagra Nayan Bajaj’s New Gift Expands fellowship program

Game-Changing Ideas: 2021 student Seed for Change Winners

COSTAR: New Focus on Art and Conservation Management

 Graduate Student Associates Share Projects and Plans

In South Asia

India Office opens and becomes a hub of activities

COVID-19 in South Asia Video Series: Workshop for Practitioners

Introducing the Inaugural India Fellowship

event series focuses on India’s 75th Anniversary of Independence

Building Bharat-Boston Biosciences Program Hosts final Webinar 

Crossroads Emerging Leaders Program Becomes Aspire Institute

Mittal Institute Faculty Grant “Spurs” Free STEM Program in India

Student grant recipient sets Guinness World Record in Pakistan

Critical Issues Event Series: Afghanistan’s Next Transition